Sen-wen Deng 鄧森文

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  • PhD Dec 2022 -
    Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie,
    Université Paris Cité Paris, France
  • Multiple degrees
    Licence 3 de Physique Fondamentale (B. Sc.) in 2018,
    Licence 3 de Mathématiques (B. Sc.) in 2020,
    Master 2 in Theoretical Physics (M. Sc.) in 2021,
    Diploma of ENS in 2022.
    Sep 2017 - Aug 2022
    Theoretical Physics & Mathematics,
    École Normale Supérieure Paris, France
  • B. Eng (unfinished)
    I transferred to École Normale Supérieure de Paris before graduation.
    Aug 2014 - Jul 2017
    Sino-French Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Technology,
    Sun Yat-sen University Zyuhoi, Gwongdung

Language Skills

  • Native: Sichuanese, Mandarin Chinese
  • Professional: English, French


  • Yashar Akrami, Santiago Casas, Senwen Deng and Valeri Vardanyan (Apr 2021) Quintessential α-attractor inflation: forecasts for Stage IV galaxy surveys. doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2021/04/006

Selected Talks

  • A Modular LISA Global-fit Pipeline, 15th International LISA Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, Jul 12, 2024    
  • Prototyping a Global-fit Pipeline for LISA, Journée LISA France, Paris, France, Nov 20, 2023    
  • Subtraction of Merging Massive Black Hole Binary Signals, 14th International LISA Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland, Jul 20, 2022      
    Online event. I presented a fast scheme to detect and reconstruct merging massive black hole binary signals in the LISA data.

Teaching Experiences

  • Teaching Assistant Sep 2023 -
    Informatique (Licence 1, UFR de Physique)
    Université Paris Cité Paris, France
  • Teaching Assistant Sep 2022 -
    Mathématiques 5 (Licence 3, UFR de Physique)
    Université Paris Cité Paris, France


  • Space-borne probe of wavy space-time, Astronomy on Tap, Paris, France, Feb 13, 2024    
  • Déformez vous même l’espace-temps, Explor'Espace 2023, Montrouge, France, Nov 3, 2023 - Nov 5, 2023